Restricted Substance Controls (RSC) define the actions and mechanisms you can take to prevent restricted substances from inclusion in your products. To ensure RSC are effective, the procedures should be integrated into an overall Conformity Assurance System (CAS).
- EU Enforcement authorities and OEM customers are requesting documentation of producers RoHS compliance procedures to demonstrate that appropriate systems are in place to ensure on-going compliance.
- EU RoHS2 requires conformity assessment for manufacturers of EEE products.>
- China RoHS will have voluntary certification, including the submission of compliance documentation.
Conformity Assessment Procedures for RoHS-2
- RoHS-2 is more prescriptive than RoHS 2002/95/EC.
- Manufacturers are required to carry out conformity assessment for RoHS compliance
- EU Decision 768/2008/EC for Conformity Assessment Procedures
- Annex II, Module A – Internal Production Control
"1. Internal production control is the conformity assessment procedure whereby the manufacturer fulfils the obligations laid down in points 2, 3 and 4, and ensures and declares on his sole responsibility that the products concerned satisfy the requirements of the legislative instrument that apply to them." |
Requirements specified for:
- Technical Documentation
- Manufacturing
- Conformity marking and declaration of conformity
Conformity procedures should be integrated into your quality management system or environmental management system if one exists.
Contact ECD Compliance for support in developing or documenting your RoHS Compliance Assurance System.